July 29, 2008



Sadly, this is my dream morning.

July 15, 2008

July 11, 2008

Comment to a Question About Birth Control

At the moment, homosexuality is my birth control of choice. But that said, there was a time when I was younger and confused. We used condoms, birth control pills and the rhythm method: all in hopes of being sure that we didn’t get a surprise.

That said, there was still one memorable occasion when I remember running out at 11pm to try to find an open drug store that had pregnancy tests, when she realized that she was late.

Even as someone that loves kids, I was still absolutely terrified. I had a job that was barely keeping me in an apartment, student loans, and many months until I would be done with my college degree. And that’s just the living situation, there was still deep-seated fear of being a parent. To call my family upbringing challenging would be charitable bordering on abject denial. With that parenting example, I was terrified of repeating the behavior I learned.

Getting that pregnancy test and bringing it home left me with way too much time alone with my thoughts and fears.

I brought home several tests, unsure which one was best. While I was gone, she had been throwing back coffee and water so she’d be ready. Once the drying sticks were lined up in the bathroom sink, there was nothing to do but wait.

Too tense to talk to each other, we settled onto the futon to watch TV. I don’t remember what was on. The only thing that comes back to me after all these years was how far we sat apart.

How much of this is accurate is left as an exercise to the reader...


Does it count as insomnia, if you're wide awake and have been for hours?

Twice this week, I've woken up at 2:30 or so. (Okay, I think each time was 2:28am, if you want to be pedantic.) The other morning, I rolled over and went back to sleep, though without the CPAP machine. This morning, I tried to be productive.

Either way, though, what the hell? Bing, I'm awake is not how I wanted to spend my early early morning. I had dreams of evil clowns and cabana boys planned.


We'll see how the day goes. If three hours sleep doesn't make the Friday go by faster, I don't know what will.

July 9, 2008

Asus EeePC actually intelligently planned

By just hitting the F9 button repeatedly, you choose to reset the device to the factory defaults. The downside is that you lose everything. The upside is that all of your mistakes all go away. All in all, a pretty handy feature for something with such a tiny harddrive.

July 7, 2008

Movie Reviews

This weekend, I went to see a few movies:

First, Wanted. It was an adaption, which—of course—means things that I loved about the comic series were changed for the film. That said, I enjoyed it immensely. There was action, there was incredible special effects, there was eye candy, there were actors I liked, I had a comfortable seat and popcorn. In short, I had everything that I liked in a Summer block buster.

It wasn't spectacular, but it was enjoyable. The plot was interesting and the silliness didn't detract too much from the plot that that they gave us. I recommend it to anyone looking for something to watch. With the effects and the cinematography, you'll probably need to see this on the big screen rather than something tiny at home.

Secondly, we went to see Wall-E and the Pixar short that opened it, Presto. First, Presto. Quite possibly, this was the best Pixar short that I've seen. It was a hilarious romp.

Wall-E was also a fantastic little movie. An enivironmental message hidden in a robot love story. As always Lassiter and Pixar brought the inanimate to life in a way that strums the heart strings.

So recapping, really enjoyed Wanted, Wall-E and Presto.

Asus EEE - Al's Alienware curse?

Finally got it set up just the way I wanted it. Then I rebooted.

Big big mistake.

The EEE didn't recognize my password and then it just started cycling, seems to have a problem with X starting up and restarting again, over and over and over again... Hello, Best Buy... What's your return policy? :(