March 28, 2008

CPAP a go go

Well, yesterday, I had my appointment with the sleep people. I found out that I had severe sleep apnea. According to their charts, I stop breathing 72+ times a night. (It's a wonder that I ever feel rested sleeping.)

They got me a cool CPAP machine that I slept with for the first time last night. It seemed to do the job and I woke up at 5 or so this morning feeling fantastic. (Not Michael Jackson sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber, but still good none the less.)

Friends visiting this week. Once I drag a teenaged girl out of bed, it's Salem for us.

March 24, 2008

Closed on Easter?

My friend, Kiki and I went to the Copley Mall yesterday only to find it largely closed. The same was found when we went to the Prudential Mall. Yes, yesterday was Easter.

However, when did Easter get raised to become a National Holiday?

I thought that if the US had one stated religion it was Capitalism more than anything else. What the hell?

March 19, 2008

Top of the Hub on restaurant week

Overcast and foggy. But the food was exquisite.

Bible on Homosexuality

Saw a link to this Pro-Gay/Anti-Gay article about the bible... Interesting...

Damn, I've done a lot...

I recently got an old friend from high school and he asked what I've been doing. And I got one of those rare moments of looking back on the last twenty-five years of your life and looking at what you've done.

Not to get maudlin, but I've really been blessed. I've seen a lot, met a lot of people, been in a lot of places and had a lot of fun.

Who knew that taking a measure of things once in a while would be so rewarding. Sure there are things that I wish I had done -- or not done as is more often the case -- but on a whole, I don't think I'd change much. And it feels damned good to be able to say that.


March 17, 2008

Day 2 - Figuring Out What's Missing

Okay, the worst thing is the feeling of violation, but I'm even more pissed off about all the stupid shit that's gone...

Yes, I can understand why the thief liked my cashmere scarf. I liked it, too, which is why I purchased it. But why take all my Spring/Fall jackets? Why take my cargo pants? Why take my laundry bag? Especially, when you're already taking duffel bags and backpacks. Why take my shoes, when yours are half a size bigger than mine? Why open a bottle of shampoo? Why just throw it back on the furniture after you open it?

Why leave your clothes?

I'm sure it's going to be several days where I reach for something to wear or go to use something that's not there and get pissed, but in the big scheme of things, it's not the end of the world. Still pisses me off, though.

Update: And the hits keep coming... I should have realized it when the laundry bag was gone, but he took several pairs of pants, shirts, etc... I'm sure that when I finish doing the laundry he left, I'll find a host of unmatched sox and the like.

March 16, 2008


First off, let's insert some gratuitous and much needed profanities.

Once that's done... We're ready to discuss it.

Was away for the weekend. A visit out to Western Mass to spend time with the family. Actually, had a lot of fun. Played with my nephews and nieces wandered around the mall, got some stuff out of storage, and generally had fun.

Came back home to find change spilled all over the floor in my bedroom. (Was a little confused by this. Dropped the bags and looked around. All the drawers were opened, and it looked like everything had been rifled through. Went next door to check with the landlord -- had my roommate mentioned anything about our being robbed? Nope, and she just talked with him the other day. She promised to send over her husband, the cop.)

We looked around, he had me call 911 and then I got to spend some time with the police officer that came to take my statement and then the detectives that showed up to dust for prints.

Basically, as far as I could piece together. My roommate went out to a bar and picked up someone that didn't look skeevy. They came back to the apartment, had an enjoyable evening and then had breakfast in the morning. My roommate went back to bed. His friend hung out in the living room, watching TV. When my roommate woke up, his new friend was gone.

Gone, but not forgotten. He'd helped himself to some clothes in my room, money that I had lying around, my portable DVD player, some prescription drugs that I had, some jewlery, my old Palm, and a backpack. On the other hand, he was nice enough to leave me his clothes. So I guess he considered that a nice trade. Though I think my Doc Martens, my leather jackets, etc... were a little bit better than his work boots, chino's and sweater.

The best I can say is that all my really expensive stuff: the MacBook, the iPod, my digital camera, the cell phone, and my current Palm were all with me out in Western Mass, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. It still annoys the living crap out of me, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been and no one got hurt.

I'll have a chat with my roommate tomorrow and we'll try to get this sorted out. I'll start cleaning things up, because I've got guests coming in this weekend and all next week.

March 13, 2008

Night of the Sleep Study

And boy did I look like a dork.

The good news is that we have some results already. The nurse was really nice and friendly as she strapped me in and applied all the sensors. She was also nice enough to take this picture for me.

She said that they had until 3am to decide whether I had sleep apnea. The fact that she came in before midnight to get me a CPAP mask answered any questions that I had about whether I had sleep apnea. She said it was really bad and that anyone that heard me could tell that I had sleep apnea.

They initially tried just a nose mask, but that didn't work much with my stuffed up nose and forty odd years of mouth-breathing. About twenty minutes later, she was back with a nose/mouth mask. I was breathing through that and though it dried the hell out of me, it did seem to work.

Initially, I had some trouble sleep and woke up several times. I had odd feelings about being shocked and zapped by the sensors at the beginning, but the nurse assured me that that couldn't happen and that I must have been dreaming. After I got the CPAP machine,
I slept much more thoroughly. This could mean that I'll snore less and be much more awake and alert in my day to day life, when I get one of my own.

We'll see.

Update: And what's up with the education video that shows everyone with sleep apnea looking like Louie Anderson after a month long Ben & Jerry's eat-a-thon? If I didn't know that a thin person that I knew had sleep apnea, I would be feeling pretty fat after watching that.

March 12, 2008

Sleep Study Tonight

I've been off my allergy meds for a few days, so that I'll be able to be tested at worst case. And frankly I'm absolutely miserable. I think all I need now is a ragweed corsage to make this worse.

I'm looking forward to finding out if I have sleep apnea.

March 6, 2008

A couple of months in...

Okay, I've been back for a couple of months now.

Settling in, still having the same problems that I always have about balancing life and work, which usually means that life falters and more time goes into work. I'm not quite into the same routine that I had when I was in London with weekly visits to gaming and comic stores — mostly because I'm trying to stay away from them and getting some money in the bank that way.

Still need to get plugged into Ashmont a little more, or at the very least, using Peapod rather than massive trips to Trader Joe's and living off of frozen Mexican food and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a couple of weeks. Granted, I eat out too much: eggs or a toasted bagel from the place by work and lunch from somewhere around there, as well. Dinner and weekends are really the only times that I cook. I miss having a well-stocked grocery store next to the office where I could nip in for some sliced mangos or pineapple whenever I had a craving.

Trying to go to the gym more. I was good for a few weeks of scheduling a M, W, F standing two pm gym appointment. Then work got crazy and deadlines and... The gym slipped down on the priority queue. Right now I'm trying to get into a before work (made it once so far) or after work (made it once so far) schedule. We'll see how that goes and more importantly, how I can keep from being one of those people that the gyms love: I give them money and don't use their equipment.

I finally moved the bulk of my stuff from storage in Western Mass to my apartment. So I have a futon for guests, a desk, books, CDs and games all set up. (Which is a good thing, because I've got visitors coming from Kansas City later this month.) There are still some boxes and I've got some plastic tubs that make a maze of getting to the closet in the office, but for the most part I'm almost ready for guests.

Need to write more, mostly because I keep getting distracted from projects with other projects. Ie; novel put down, so I can work on a short story for my niece, which makes me one to write something for other kids and then I need to... I'm sure you've seen the cascading excuses procrastination tree in your own life.

Hopefully, I'll get some time to just disappear and work on some of my own stuff soon. Of course, that might take winning the lottery and being able to build a moat.

March 2, 2008

Packages from the UK

I sent an enormous amount of packages from the UK to the US over the last couple of years. Whenever the stack of comics was too high, send them home. When I moved back, everything had to go.

One package recently made it to my brother's house. It was sealed in plastic and duct tape and looked as though it had been broken apart more than once.

I opened it today. Inside were my comics, a couple of tee-shirts to pad the box and a floral dressing gown for a man that would have made me seem tiny.

As I've never owned one of those, I was sort of at a loss. Obviously, several boxes were broken together. And seeing the tee-shirts, the postal worker, or sailer on the cargo ship, naturally thought that the dressing gown was mine, too.


March 1, 2008

A New Job?

Finally, a job I've prepared for most of my life.