March 6, 2008

A couple of months in...

Okay, I've been back for a couple of months now.

Settling in, still having the same problems that I always have about balancing life and work, which usually means that life falters and more time goes into work. I'm not quite into the same routine that I had when I was in London with weekly visits to gaming and comic stores — mostly because I'm trying to stay away from them and getting some money in the bank that way.

Still need to get plugged into Ashmont a little more, or at the very least, using Peapod rather than massive trips to Trader Joe's and living off of frozen Mexican food and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for a couple of weeks. Granted, I eat out too much: eggs or a toasted bagel from the place by work and lunch from somewhere around there, as well. Dinner and weekends are really the only times that I cook. I miss having a well-stocked grocery store next to the office where I could nip in for some sliced mangos or pineapple whenever I had a craving.

Trying to go to the gym more. I was good for a few weeks of scheduling a M, W, F standing two pm gym appointment. Then work got crazy and deadlines and... The gym slipped down on the priority queue. Right now I'm trying to get into a before work (made it once so far) or after work (made it once so far) schedule. We'll see how that goes and more importantly, how I can keep from being one of those people that the gyms love: I give them money and don't use their equipment.

I finally moved the bulk of my stuff from storage in Western Mass to my apartment. So I have a futon for guests, a desk, books, CDs and games all set up. (Which is a good thing, because I've got visitors coming from Kansas City later this month.) There are still some boxes and I've got some plastic tubs that make a maze of getting to the closet in the office, but for the most part I'm almost ready for guests.

Need to write more, mostly because I keep getting distracted from projects with other projects. Ie; novel put down, so I can work on a short story for my niece, which makes me one to write something for other kids and then I need to... I'm sure you've seen the cascading excuses procrastination tree in your own life.

Hopefully, I'll get some time to just disappear and work on some of my own stuff soon. Of course, that might take winning the lottery and being able to build a moat.

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