March 17, 2008

Day 2 - Figuring Out What's Missing

Okay, the worst thing is the feeling of violation, but I'm even more pissed off about all the stupid shit that's gone...

Yes, I can understand why the thief liked my cashmere scarf. I liked it, too, which is why I purchased it. But why take all my Spring/Fall jackets? Why take my cargo pants? Why take my laundry bag? Especially, when you're already taking duffel bags and backpacks. Why take my shoes, when yours are half a size bigger than mine? Why open a bottle of shampoo? Why just throw it back on the furniture after you open it?

Why leave your clothes?

I'm sure it's going to be several days where I reach for something to wear or go to use something that's not there and get pissed, but in the big scheme of things, it's not the end of the world. Still pisses me off, though.

Update: And the hits keep coming... I should have realized it when the laundry bag was gone, but he took several pairs of pants, shirts, etc... I'm sure that when I finish doing the laundry he left, I'll find a host of unmatched sox and the like.

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