November 4, 2008

Change dawning.

Election day. Off to vote.

Update: I set the alarm and stumbled out of bed, as soon as the polls open to get to the school down the street where I vote. It was already hopping. A crowd of kids with 'No on One' signs -- our let's abolish the income tax ballot question -- and members of the firefighters local were already there.

I got there maybe ten minutes after the polls opened and the polling station was already full with a couple of people queued up to get their ballots and then wait for a desk to open up, so that we could fill them in for the scantron machine.

The actual voting was kind of anti-climatic. Just putting pen to paper and filling in my oval for Obama/Biden, but the elderly poll worker was great. As I was about to put my ballot into the machine, she asked me if I remembered to mark both sides of the ballot and if I had any problems.

I smiled at her and shook my head. I did notice that I was the fiftieth voter, which makes me hope for some impressive turnout today.

As I headed out into the sunshine, I probably should have said something witty like it's going to be all right or something, but this is before coffee. It's going to be a long anxious day while I wait to see how this is going to turn out.

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