December 2, 2008

I Hate Good-byes...

These days thanks to the ubiquitous nature of email, IM, and social networks physical proximity isn't as required for friendships the way it once was. But even with that said, I still hate saying good-bye both when I leave and when friends leave. Part of it is my own chickenshit nature: my inability to directly face adversity. I would much rather take my leave quickly and out of sight than work a room of friends.

Which is probably why I'm glad that I have friends that won't let me get away with that sort of thing. But I think that's what makes a friend a friend -- their way of pushing you to be more than you can be.

Posted with LifeCast


Pam said...

And just where the frak to do you think you're going?

And do I have to send the 'ators to tackle you or something?

JP said...

Sorry. No, I'm not going anywhere. I've been telling recruiters that I'm not interested in going to Austin or Jersey. (Whether that will change in another few unemployed months... That I'm not sure of.)

This was about saying good-bye to a friend that left the city.