June 29, 2009

Europeans Love Obama

I was at the post office this morning sending out some post cards. The counter clerk asked me if I was from New York. (I don't think I've got a New York accent, but I guess all American accents sound like New York to the uninitiated.) Then he asked me about Obama. He asked what I thought about him and was very up to date on some of the foibles that they're seeing in the US political world with the battle over health care reform and about how the congress is causing problems when he tried to close Guantanamo.

I wish I could say I was as up to date on the politics of his country. Including the recent parliamentary spending scandal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its not just congress causing problems with the prisoners. Its those pesky NIMBY types. Do you have a spare room to hold a prisoner in? Oh wait your snoring could be considered torture :)