December 12, 2006

The Joy of a Damp Room

I knew my room was damp. Which is why I started taking my clothes to the laundrette rather than letting it hang dry. (Well, that and the line of mold or mildew that crawl the corner.)

I hadn't realized how bad it was until this morning. Yesterday, my shirt had a spot in it. I thought it was from something I'd bumped into. Today, I noticed that this dress shirt had a spot on it as well, in about the same location. I tried to wash it off and realized that it wasn't dirt. It was mold or mildew and it doesn't wash off.

Sonuva... And the more I hear about this — the better it friggin' sounds. Yay.

Update: Added the photo. Initially, it started as a small mark by the headboard, that I assumed was from the wood scrapping the wall. Then it started climbing. Now it's all over.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

BlEACH. Dilute some bleach, wash the wall with it, should kill mold/mildew/whatever. THEN come visit. But don't leave it to spread, OK?