January 20, 2008

Busy weekend...

First off, I want to thank the people that have been constantly abusing me about going to the gym, pushing me to go to the gym today, giving me ways to make up for missing the gym, etc...

Unfortunately, I didn't go to the gym this weekend. I did do a good amount of walking, though. Saturday, I went to the mall on an errand for a friend of mine. He needs me to pick up a PS/3 and a few other things and ship them to him. I also wanted to go to the Apple store and gawk, as well as ask them a couple of questions and picking up the mac version of Quicken.

After I got home, I schlepped around Ashmont a bit trying to find a grocery store. I was annoyed. I saw a big sign for a Super Stop and Shop and headed over there. Two miles later, I saw the part of the sign that was hidden - it said that the store was an exit down and then down the road. (According to the locals, that's in Quincy, so I'll probably be using Peapod or shopping in town and bringing my groceries out to Ashmont with me. There are a couple of small shops that have a lot of the staples near me, so I was able to get some peanut butter, some jelly, bread and orange juice, which will tide me through for a few days.

I also have some cool software for the mac: Quicken, which is just always friggin' fantastic; the Missing Sync, which is a better syncing program for the mac than the software it comes it.; and Spanning Sync, which allows me to sync my mac's built-in iCal calendars with the Google Calendars.

This gets me the same calendar at home, at work and in my pocket, which is just very very handy.

I've also been playing with Twitter. Not sure how I like it for me, but I've been working on a Twitter fiction project which I enjoy a lot. (http://twitter.com/Helsing if you'd like to check it out.)

Saw a movie that didn't really wow me last night: 28 Weeks Later. It was a sequel to Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later about a zombie infestation in the UK. There was a lot of carnage, some tension and plenty of stress, but it didn't really cover much new ground.

Today was the LGBT parents' brunch, which I enjoyed. I talked to a couple of other people that had adopted DSS kids, which is what I'm thinking of. I'm thinking of an older kid and a DSS kid, which will speed things up, but also means that they've been in DSS custody and the foster care system with the problems involved with that.

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