January 14, 2008

First Big Snow Storm

Well, the first big storm now that I'm back. Strangely, I'm looking forward to it.
I've heard the sand trucks and the plows going by for a few hours, but the room has been too cold to get out of my nice warm bed.

It's weird now that I'm back in Boston, how easy it is to slip back into my routines. My time away seems to be receding a bit. Not like it's a dream or anything, but more about how life here feels a little more solid with the roots that I have in Boston. Which makes sense, I suppose. You can't live here for all those years and have so many people that I care about and not be connected.

Of course, there are some things that don't feel as solid any more. Tried what I used to think was the great vegetarian place in Chinatown the other night. It was eh at best. Maybe it was the meal, but I wasn't very impressed. Of course, Sorrento's was everything that I remembered. The service and the food were exquisite. The waiter that I'm used to had changed, but it was a Sunday afternoon.

We'll see if some of my other favorites hold up soon.

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