June 3, 2008

Book Reviews

A friend challenged me to write haiku reviews of the last several books that I've read:

Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine"
Friedman's neo-cons -
Crisis, exploitation, greed.
Perhaps, Keynesian?

James N. Frey's books on writing
Remember: premise,
character driven stories
for damned good novels.

Neil Gaiman's "Anansi Boys"
A modern fable,
entertains as it teaches.
The old become new.

William Landay's "The Strangler"
Boston terrified:
memorable characters,
weak plot - adequate.

Robert W. Cabell's "The Hair-Raising Adventures of Jayms Blonde"
Cliches, every page.
Vanity press - no surprise.
Dear God - Don't read this.


Anonymous said...

I replied at my wordpress site.

Anonymous said...

Very cool! But just a bit mad.

Jeff said...

Those are great. I'm coming up with a blank on the book I'm reading right now: England in the Nineteenth Century.