January 24, 2007


I woke up this morning to a crisp tinge in the air. Glancing out the window on the way to the bathroom, I spotted a surprising whiteness. Confused, I leaned against the window and blinked at the darkness. There was snow on the ground. Not much, but enough to pull a flimsy blanket over garden and cars.

I tried to take pictures on the way to work with my camera phone, but the drizzle in the air and the long shadows managed to defeat the meager light of my phone's flash. You'll have to make do with my description.

At quarter after six, the snow was still mostly pristine, only a single pair of prints marred my path for a block or so until bikes, commuters and luggage crushed the snow to slush. It wasn't much snow by New England standards, but by Old England it was enough for drivers to slow to single digits and for the tube to ground to a halt.

Ah, winter.

Update: Added a picture and a link to a BBC story about it.


Al Toid said...

Does that mean that the US is right about Global Warming not existing?

Al Toid said...

You are correct. I was imprecise.