February 27, 2007

We Export Boston Drivers?

One of the hardest things about living in another country is the homesickness. It comes at odd moments: a light blue jacket, a glimpse of someone with glasses, or a flash of blonde hair will remind you of someone or a trip to the grocery store will make you miss your favorite junk food. You know it's bad, when you hate cats and you actually look forward to seeing the black outdoor cat on our way home, because it reminds you of someone else's.

Sometimes however, the familiarity makes you feel at home where you are. For me, that happened over the weekend. I was crossing the street and some jackass turned without blinkers (or, to give them the benefit of the doubt, the signal wasn't visible from the front of the car) and almost ran me down. This was followed by the same waving gesture that you see in Boston. It's half-apology, half-shooing you off their road and it's all selfish belief that they own the road, because they're driving on it.

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