April 22, 2008

Another Reason Why I Miss the NHS...

As my faithful (or bored) readers know I recently got a CPAP machine. I just got the insurance bill. The friggin' health insurance that I pay into won't pay for it, though my doctor says that I need it. The most they'll pay for health equipment is peanuts, leaving me with two grand for my very own. Friggin' jackasses.

This is what I love about health insurance. You get it, you pay into it and it still doesn't help you when you need it.

Happily, I do get to act out my frustration at work. I'm now the anonymous 'Jack', head of software development. A perpetually harried and annoyed character that gets to snap at the idiotic headhunters that cold call us with what we don't want or need.

It's very freeing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check again with the health insurance people. They HPHC just paid for Tiny E's CPAP machine. But that's way out here in the 'burbs of Waltham.