April 2, 2008

CPAP - Review

First a note to the pervs out there, the teenaged girl wasn't in my bed. She was in the guest room.

Now that that's over with, the CPAP machine. I've been using it since Thursday night — about a week now. I'm feel better rested, more awake during the day, I haven't felt the need for caffeine since I started using it. I also find that I have a lot more energy. I'm not ready to roll over and go to bed at 9:30pm any more. I can do more than be a lump on the couch after work, which has resulted in me going to the gym more (okay, twice so far) and other things.

I do find myself waking up at odd times during the night, when I roll over an the mask shifts and the CPAP machine blows air into my face or my eyes. Unsurprisingly, that's enough to wake me up.

But other than that, I'm feeling much much better.



qor72 said...

Gratz!! Now please ask them to find a better acronym CPAP - when skim read - tends to change the first P to and R and make that whole title more colorful. *laughs*

Unknown said...

Glad to hear it, JP!!!

Al Toid said...

Me, too.
I got a gold star from the respiratory therapist today for compliance. Woo!
They like me, they really like me.