April 21, 2008

One Annoying Problem with Sleeping Better...

Clearly, I'm dreaming again... So far there've been two nights, where I was able to take off the CPAP mask or otherwise disconnect myself from the machine the first time unplugging the hose (though that might have been something as simple as rolling over too far and popping it out), but last night was different. I went to bed with the machine fully connected and the machine on, but I woke up this morning with the water reservoir half-way full, the mask neatly coiled in the dresser drawer like I usually put it in the morning and the CPAP machine turned off. I'm not sure if it was fully unhooked, but I think it was.

Unfortunately, no memory at all of doing any of that. If my subconscious made itself half as useful and would take up the slack with its share of the chores around the apartment, things would be so much easier. Though I don't think there's a listing for someone that sleep-cleans rather than sleep-walking.

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